About Paolo Tiberi

Born in Rome, Italy, Paolo, has dedicated most of his life exploring the subject of the Self, Human Nature and the unlimited potential of human beings. After having seen at the age of 5 his grandmother heal successfully individuals with terminal diseases, and his mother leading people into a state of trance, speak ancient languages and relive their past lives, Paolo’s curiosity in unravelling the mysteries of the unknown brought precedence over everything else in his life.

Between the age of 13 and 23 Paolo decided to embark in his own Self Development journey and during this period he become a certified: Kinesiology practitioner, Crystal Therapist, Aroma therapist, Chromo therapist, Auric & Pranotherapist and Reiki Usui Master. Through these disciplines Paolo realised that there were still many aspects to life and learning that were missing. He therefore, branched out to study the mind and the body in more details and therefore become a certified: Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Gym Instructor and Personal Trainer (level IV). To better integrate and understand the soul-body-mind paradigm Paolo decided to branch out more and study Quantum Physics, Neurology, Cell biology, Chemistry, Physiology, Psychology and other related sciences, which eventually led him to put more pieces of the puzzle together.

In his quest for knowledge and understanding, (and thanks to his mother being a Flight Attendant for Alitalia and providing cheap tickets) he was able to travel extensively by himself from the age of 15 throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, India, North and South America, encountering some of the best thinkers, teachers and masters in the areas of spiritual education, human behaviour and self-mastery with whom he spent as much time as possible. In this journey, Paolo studied many different types of esoteric and spiritual traditions and religions including Hermetic, Egyptian, Sufism, Shamanistic, Indian (Advaita, Kashmiri Shivaism, Vedas), Tibetan (Nyingma - Dzogchen), Zen, Christian and Essene. Then in 1994 whilst in Italy, Paolo began studying Ramtha’s materials which eventually led him in 1999 to participate to some of his events where he learnt from a number of other inspiring teachers that are now being featured in the movie ‘What the Bleep do we know’.

His passion to share his unique ideas with a wider audience moved him toward the public speaking arena. He began transmitting the knowledge and personal experience of self discovery-awareness and life strategies he acquired to people of all backgrounds and ages in Italy, starting at the age of 17, overseas (UK and the USA), and eventually Australia where he now resides.

During his life he has invited on different television show in Italy and had his own television program for few month in a small regional television channel (Rome while 19) before he decided to move to Australia. In Australia, he has been invited to teach in different organizations such as the Salvation Army Employment Plus where he was asked to inspire unemployed people as well as teach in schools. He also had a 30 minutes section on Radio Italia, an Italian radio station broadcasting to 250,000 Australia wide.

Although working as a consultant for majour coorporations, Paolo continues to run Seminars, Day Events and Sessions with private clients. Through his message, Paolo endeavours to integrate science, medicine and western and eastern philosophies, bringing the mind, body and soul together. His unique way of communicating information allows for quicker and higher retention while keeping you attentive and involved.

Already having inspired and motivated many others around the world to make significant and positive changes in their lives and in their relationships, Paolo helps us re-discover our higher self by empowering us to choose to embrace our higher life/self purpose instead of our limited personality. Paolo's approach is highly interactive, compelling and extremely impactful.

"All knowledge and keys are already within us, the only effort is to decide to be. In times of crisis and confusion what we need most is to re-awaken our inner power and awareness. When we start re-aligning ourselves than all is revealed and we re-unify ourselves. Our life becomes a great adventure instead of a continuous challenge. Experiences are seen in a different way and a profound sense of belonging; peace, harmony and love start to become more and more part of our own reality and life."
Paolo Tiberi

The messages offered during Paolo’s events are given in a non-dogmatic, religious or structured way. Instead, they offer us the opportunity to expand within our own paradigm of understanding and knowledge.



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